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Tell us as much as you can about your project and our dedicated team of experts will evaluate solutions. We’ve invested in the equipment and the expertise to find the right match of print process, material, time, cost, quality, characteristics for each and every project.
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Don’t let manpower or brainpower slow you down! As experts in large-scale manufacturing and supply chain management, we know that tradeoffs don’t stop with labor and that high demand, expected delivery dates, and basic competitive advantage are all reasons to invest in your company’s burst capacity. Specializing in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, RF Engineering and more, tell us as much as you can about your needs and we’ll put our dedicated team of experts to work on a solution that fits your project.
If your project doesn’t fit perfectly into a print or staffing, tell us what you can about your needs and we’ll get right back with you.

Dedicated expertise working for you.
Successful business is a series of interlocking personal commitments.
Focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and community.
Built to last, a proud member and resident of the community we serve.